Saturday, June 18, 2016

Photoshop Modification Steps

What is the goal of this project?

The goal of this project is to clear the background, rotate the icon, and make the colors stand out.

We first used the crop tool to down scale the photo into a smaller size.


After, we used the Magic Waud Tool, function to select the background.


One of our big moves, were to go pixel by pixel making sure its all outlined correctly.


We had to inverse the selected area to be able to work around it.


After we have Inversed it, we copy the object into a different
layer to clean the background.


After copying the object to a different layer, select the entire page to start the cleaning process

This blog is not finished yet but it will be soon!! 

Rebuilding an Electric Car Battery Rack

Q: Whats is an Electric Car Battery Rack?

A: Okay, an electric car battery rack, is the place where the batteries are held in the car. Allow me to explain, this car was originally a gasoline fueled car. As you may know, in the back there was a spare tire well. it had enough space to place the batteries, so we removed it. We made the battery rack, than we placed it in the car.

Q: Whats all the white spots on the batteries ?

A: Okay, there was a leak of acid, from one battery. All the white spots that you can see is acid that has leaked. Because it was a large amount of acid, it also roosted and it removed the paint from the rack. We don't know how that happened in a chemical level. 

Q: Whats the next step ?

A: Okay, next was to take out the three batteries,check them for and leakage. The batteries were dirty, Cleaning the batteries was in process.

Q: How did the rack look like ?

A: Okay, when we toke out the batteries, we observed that the rack was dirtier than what we saw. This was the point that we decided to rebuild/reinforce the rack

Q: What did we come up with ?

A: Okay, after brainstorming and thinking, we came up with the idea of building a metal floor for the rack. The metal floor will sustain any damage from the bottom of the batteries. 

This blog is not finished yet but it will be soon!!